Slettvoll stova

Restaurant og café

OPENING HOURS stova 1957:

Stova 1957 is our newest restaurant down in our bottom area, close to the parking lot. Here are the opening hours from February 1st:

Monday: 10.00-16.30 (kitchen 16.00)

Tuesday: 10.00-16.30 (kitchen 16.00)

Wednesday: 10.00-16.30 (kitchen 16.00)

Thursday: 10.00-17.30 (kitchen 17.00)

Friday: 10.00-20.00 (kitchen 20.00)

Saturday: 10.00-24.00 (kitchen 21.00)

Sunday: 10.00-17.30 (kitchen 17.00)

Always check out or our social media for our latest updates. The ski resort and café might be closed due to bad weather, and then we always publish it here first. 

Opening hours for the Ski Resort